to my sweetest madelyn,
today you are one whole month! i cannot believe you have been here for a month because i cannot quite remember life without you. you are my soul and heart and i look forward to your growing future. these past few weeks i have found myself crying each week that you have grow older and think that i just don't want to miss a moment with you. i know there are going to countless moments where you will overflow my heart with a love that i cannot quite describe but i am forever grateful for the blessing you are.
in this month your daddy and i have enjoyed starring at you and watching your every movement, we love the faces you make while your sleeping, we love when you wake up and the way you stretch (which is cutest thing ever to watch), we love the little oohs, aahs and grunts you make, we love that we have been able to take you out and you are such a well behaved little
i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl.
love, your mommy