to my sweetest madelyn,
i just cannot believe it has been eleven months since you graced this world. i feel like it was just yesterday when i first held you in my arms. i am amazed how much you have grown and how you have so much personality. you are a silly little girl, when anyone say "ah choo" then laugh, when anyone cough then smile the biggest smile. you are something my little peanut. you are waving hi and goodbye, you say "buh bye" and it's the cutest thing. oh my little mini, you may be in the fifth percentile in weight but you can eat. you have loved almost everything i have ever given you, except for actually bananas you'll pass. you are the cutest eater and your daddy and i love to watch you. we are amazed sometimes how much you eat but seem to not be gaining that much. it might be all the moving you've been doing lately. you are still army crawling but you are quite quick. your a fan of walking, you will grab our hands and start walking away so we have no choice but to follow and you absolutely love it. you are a little afraid to walk or stand without anyone near but i think it will be soon before you find that confidence in yourself, i know you can do it!
madelyn lee, your mommy has been quite emotional lately. i just cannot believe in a few short weeks you will be one. one whole year! i am not quite sure how this happen or how the time passed so quickly through my fingers but i have been trying to be in the moment more with you because i want to make sure i remember every single piece of you. your are my everything and i love you with all my heart and soul.
i am planning one beautiful pink and gold first birthday par-tay for you my little girl so bring on the glitter.
i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl!
love, your mommy
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