Tuesday, March 25, 2014

 ^^Nine Months^^
^^Ten Months^^

to my sweetest madelyn, 

these past two months you have grown so much. you're personality is really shining through and we just love you with every ounce of our being. you definitely have you daddy's sense of humor, which can be explained by your fake cough you use to attract attention to you. you love doing things then clapping like you're saying good job to me. oh your clapping, you love to clap,clap, i mean it is the cutest. you have learned to wave buh bye, blow kisses and give high fives. you are the smartest and sweetest girl and i am thankful every minute of everyday that you are mine. i was a little worry a few months ago as you had absolutely no interest in crawling or getting around. you were perfectly content with whatever was in your reach but lately you have figured how to army crawl which you have become quite quick. however, you love to walk more. anytime we're around you pull on us and up you go just walking, walking, walking around anywhere and everywhere for as long as we allow you to. you have such a big smile and we're still pretty sure that you'll skip crawling and start walking. you are talking and laugh so much, it just fills our hearts. btw, you said "mama" shortly after you turned eight i won. you do say "dada" and it sounds like you'll be picking up on a few other word real soon. you l.o.v.e to eat, just like your mama, and it's one of my favorite things to watch you eat. plus, you have grown six teeth to help you.

i cannot believe in two months you'll be one. it's been such an emotional thing to think about. this time has passed so quickly but i love watching you grow and learn everyday. not to mention no matter how big and old you get you'll always be my baby girl.

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl. 

love, your mommy


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Like most Mommas, I love shopping! Now having a little mini to dress has made my heart so happy! My style for Madelyn is of course a reflection of my own, I mean most of the time I wish her wardrobe came in my size. 

There are a few tips I keep in mind when shopping for M: 

-Would I wear it? She is my child so I want to dress her like me.
-How long will she wear this? Since I started shopping for M, my mom has always told me that she will grow fast so not to spend too much on her clothes as she may not get that much use out of it. M is on the smaller end but I do want her clothes to somewhat grow with her. So I shop in both the baby girl and toddler girl section. For example: a toddler shirt can now be a dress for M and as she gets older can actually be used as a shirt.
-Is it on sale? I rarely ever pay full price, I always want to feel like I'm getting a deal and I will wait for one. If I see something I love I will keep my eye on it and if it's meant for M then it will find a way home with us.
-Do I love it? Just like when I shop for myself, I try not to buy pieces unless I love it so I do that with M. 
-How will she wear this? I tend to buy pieces and not outfits when out shopping so I try to always stop and think what does she have at home that will make an outfit. 

Over the last two weeks, there have been some killer sales around and I have picked quite a few pieces for M. After bring all the goodies home I couldn't wait to play in her closet and see what would come together. So I wanted to share a few outfits I just can't wait for her to wear.

(I apologize in advance for the photo quality, my camera setting was a little off and needs to be fixed)
Cotton Knotted Headband / Empire Top / Bloomers (from an existing dress)

Denim Jacket / Flower Print Romper (Baby Gap, got it in store but no longer online) / Gold Braided Sandals (Old Navy, gifted from a friend)

 Empire Top (Baby Gap, got it in store but no longer online) / Legging Jean (Baby Gap last year, similar here) / Rose Mary Jane (Old Navy last season)

Headband (Made by Me) / Stripe Sundress / Gold Mary Jane Jelly 

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