Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Since starting my blog I've been searching for the perfect link up so when I found "It's the Little Things" on Instagram I thought this is so me. I am teaming up with Jess from Sadie Sky Boutique and Ashley from Words About Waverly for my very first link up and I couldn't be more excited about reflecting once a week about the little things that happen in our everyday lives that make it a lovely one. 

Currently Atlanta is in the state of shock, in the beginning of the week snow has been on the forecast but what would happen when the snow finally came in is something this southern city was not prepared for. Like most people, I was not too sure that snow was even coming but my husband was worried from the beginning. On Tuesday morning we did our normal routine getting ready to go to work thinking that snow may be coming and hoping we would be able to leave early to come home if it was bad. While at work, my co-workers and I saw the snow coming down then within 30 minutes it was a full on snow storm. I called Vy around Noon when he said that he was heading home as he wanted my mother-in-law (who watches Madelyn) to head home. Shortly after talking to him my company stated that we could go home at our discretion which I took as I'm going home now. With the snow coming down all I wanted to do was to get home and play with my little family in the snow to celebrate M's first snow day. My normal 10-15 minute drive home took close to an hour. Everyone was trying to do the same thing I was. At this moment I did not realize how lucky I would be with my less then one hour commute.

When I arrived home I dress M in layers and out the door we went. She didn't care too much for the snow or even really understood what was happening but I had enough excitement for the both of us. There's just something about snow that makes you feel like a child again especially when it doesn't come often. However in the evening we began to realize how lucky we were to be at home, able to enjoy the snow with our little one. Many were stuck in their cars on highways with no movement in sight, children were stuck on school buses some even having to spend the night at school and people were abandoning their cars to walk miles to get home to their families. (For those brave individuals you are in my heart and thoughts.) It was then that I realized how blessed and thankful I am, how silly it was for me to be frustrated with my less than one hour commute when so many were still out there. I am so happy that those close to me made it home safely and that I was able to be home with my hubby, baby and doggies to enjoy this little snow storm.

Hoping that those families affected by this winter storm are staying safe and warm with the ones they love most. xo



Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Living in the south, real snow days are few and far between but today we got real snow. Luckily, my office let us out early so I was able to get home to my sweet family to enjoy this fun day and celebrate Madelyn's first snow day!
Madelyn wasn't too sure about the snow but I was beyond excited so I can share some of my excitement with her.


Sunday, January 26, 2014

Before Madelyn was about four months I had always thought that I would approach purees and solids the traditional way. Starting with rice cereal moving to purees, with every intention to make my own and then introducing solids. However, my thoughts began to change after M's four month check up as our pediatrician said that we didn't have to start rice cereal unless she was showing signs that she was still hungry in between nursing and if not then we would discuss feedings at her six month appointment. Madelyn was not showing signs of hungry between nursing so I began reading and discovered baby led weaning. It intrigued me and I really liked the idea of this approach. At that point, I was pretty much set that this is how I wanted to introduce solids to Madelyn.

  Baby led weaning (also known as BLW) is basically allowing your little one to feed themselves from the very beginning. No purees. Your little one can eat what you eat in manageable size pieces for their little hands. It is recommended to begin no earlier than six months. This approach does not take away a formula or breastfed feeding, it is in addition as they will continue to get their main source of nutrition from these feedings.  
(Please discuss feeding your little one solids with your pediatrician prior to starting baby led weaning.)

After our pediatrician gave us the go ahead to begin, we were told Madelyn could have anything we ate except honey, then the fun began. The next morning M had breakfast with us, bananas and apples (boiled soft.)
She LOVED it.

For the first six weeks of blw M was all about playing and learning different tastes and textures, which is all very normal considering that most of her nutrition is still coming from her breastfed feedings. This means meal times (which are about an hour after her formula or breastfed feedings) can be very messy but not so bad around here with two puppy doggies to help clean up. Those two have become M's best friend.

We started baby led weaning with...

apples (boiled soft)
pears (boiled soft or ripe)
broccoli (boiled soft or steamed)
carrots (boiled soft or steamed)
sweet potatoes (boiled soft or baked)
Introducing a new fruit or veggie every few days.
  Naturally when M started to get the hang of it around seven and half months we dropped a feeding.When this happened I have made her meals more balanced to make her fuller to sustain her until her next feeding.

A few of Madelyn's favorite meals...

Breakfast : 

pancakes & yogurt/fruit
 eggs & fruit/toast
yogurt & fruit/toast
french toast & fruit 

Lunch & Dinner: 

toast with hummus & vegetables
chicken with shredded cheese, avocado slice & apple slices with cinnamon
meatball & pasta
mac-n-cheese/cheese ravioli & vegetables

When we go out to eat Madelyn usually eat some of what I eat. However I do bring a snack bag just in case she not feeling it. {I'll come back to what's in our snack bag later.}
So our schedule looks like this...
7AM - wake up/feeding
8AM - breakfast
9-11AM - naptime
11AM - feeding
Noon - lunch
1:30-3PM - naptime
3PM - feeding
5:30PM - dinner
7PM - bedtime routine/feeding
{When I first started M with a schedule we have follow Baby Wise}
Our experience with baby led weaning so far has been great, I can't imagine introducing Madelyn to solids any other way. Sometimes when I watch her eat I can't help but feel like a proud mama just knowing she is feeding herself at her age, it's truly amazing to see develop. She gets so excited when we sit her in her highchair, she knows it's time to eat and loves it. In the beginning it was a hot mess (sometimes still is) and she did gag a few times but nothing that was a major concern (well no more than with anything else.) I was a pre-school teacher for six years so I am familiar with feeding young children and I know how to perform CPR and the heimlich. However I would recommend reading the choking section of the blw book prior to starting this method as it is very informative but also remember to trust your instinct. No one knows your baby better than you. After a little over two months M rarely gags (has never choked), takes appropriate bites (if they are too big she will spit it out) and opens and closes her hand for little pieces.
{Oxo Tot Sprout High Chair & Roll-up Bib}

I have loved this approach of introducing solids with M, she has so much fun and I love watching her taste, feel and eat her meals. This has also helped us find and try new recipes we wouldn't have tried otherwise. 

This is just the beginning of our experience with baby led weaning.


Friday, January 17, 2014

to my sweetest madelyn, 

i cannot believe how much you have grown. i still feel like it was just yesterday we were in the hospital snuggling with you soaking in all your beauty. you have brighten our lives so much and make our smiles bigger and brighter. 

in the last month you have become quite chatty and vocal. you are almost to the point where we think you have said "mama and dada" but you haven't said it enough to believe it. you still show no interest in attempting to crawl, you rather sit up or stand (with help of course). you love your walker and have pretty much mastered how to move around, we just love to watch you. you move fast in that thing that sometimes we can't get out of your way quick enough before you're running over our toes. you love to chase your brother, jager and back him into corners attempting to pet him. you are eating better everyday by yourself and i can't help but feel proud when i watch you. {i still have every intention on writing a baby led weaning post about our experience, so coming soon.} your two top teeth are beginning to come through which has provided some interesting and restless nights. it breaks my heart to know there isn't much i can do to help you with the pain but there has been lots of cuddling and kisses. you have learned to clap and do it often when you ba noi (my mother-in-law) sings you a song. you now give me kisses that just melt my heart. your daddy and i love watching you grow everyday and we talk often about how your little personality is developing into a sweet girl. 

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl. 

love, your mommy


Thursday, January 9, 2014

(I realize I am a little behind in posting about this but I couldn't miss writing about M's first Christmas)

 Since Christmas fell right in the middle of the week this year I took the whole week off to celebrate. Trust me, I didn't complain one bit as I was beyond excited to spend all that time with family celebrating little M's first Christmas. When I got off of work on Friday we were on our way to Orlando. The ride down really threw M off her usually schedule which resulted in an hour and half melt down. It was the first time she was stuck in her car seat for six and half hours but we made it with a semi happy baby at 1:30 in the morning. We always try and made it to the Christmas service and this time Madelyn was on the program to received her dedication. 

On Saturday before heading to church we had to stop by and see Vy's grandpa. He was the pastor of the church and a gentle kind hearted man. Before he passed, he was waiting for Vy and I to have a baby as she is the first great grandchild to carry the family name. It is apparent that Madelyn shares a few of the same features with him so we know that he is living within her.
When we arrived at church, it was the first time M was meeting the majority of the family. She was quite popular. Madelyn received her dedication from Vy's oldest uncle.
Vy and I say often that we are very lucky to have such a happy and sweet baby. She was so well behaved during service that you wouldn't even know there was a baby there.
A little family photo after service.
{What Madelyn Wore: Headband - Made by Me, Floral Cord Top, Tights - Old Baby Gap & Bow Back Flats }

  Then we have a very tired sleeping baby girl. This girl can really sleep anywhere. We are definitely enjoying it while it last.
For being such a sweet girl, M's auntie gave her an early Christmas present. 
 This year we were in Orlando a little longer than years past so we got to hang out with cousin and family a little longer. We were able to leave M with her grandparents a few nights to have a little grow up fun, we went a Magic basketball game and went to see Anchorman II. We have not been to the movies since I was about 38 weeks preggo when we saw the Great Gatsby, it's been that long. Vy's family celebrates on Christmas Eve where we all go over to his uncle's house to eat dinner, play white elephant game (wish I had photos as my hubs gifted a giant photo of his head) and open presents.
M stayed up way passed her bedtime and was not into any photos at this moment. Everyone was so sweet and generous to little M. 
  {What Madelyn Wore: Green Polka Dot Dress - Old Jack and Janie}

M wasn't too sure on what was going on.
On Christmas day we left early to head back to Atlanta to spend Christmas with my parents. The drive back home was 100 times better than on the way down and M was such a happy baby when we arrived at my parents, she is such a little trooper. It is a lot of traveling but we are able to spend time with both sides and full our hearts with all the joy and love of the holidays.

(After being in a car for six and a half hours I was looking pretty rough and the pictures that were taken I am not a fan so I'll spare you those.)


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

to my sweetest madelyn, 

seven whole months, the time sure does feel like it flying by. i know i say this every month but i just cannot believe how big you are getting. it is such a bittersweet feeling, daddy and i truly try to just soak in every moment of everyday with you because we know we will never have it again. you are the happiest baby and we are truly lucky to be your parents. 

oh boy, this month you have just grown so much. you are a rolling machine and can roll just about anywhere. you are not a fan of tummy time anymore and aren't real interested in attempting to crawl, you just rather roll or stand with help. we wouldn't be surprise if you skip crawling and begin to walk. your silliest is really starting to show which makes me think you may have your daddy's sense of humor. you have your two bottom teeth and it is pure cuteness when you smile. you have really started to notice the details in things, you love to look at your little bear and point at his eyes, nose and mouth. you are so focus that i just love watching you and seeing your expression. you are quite chatty when you want to be and we are just waiting for you to say your first word. i am hoping for "mama" of course and your dad is hoping for "dada," well see who will be the winner out of that hopefully soon. you just make my heart so full that i look forward to all the moments to come. 

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl. 

love, your mommy 

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