Saturday, August 30, 2014

week four | favorite summer activity


this little miss is OBSESSED with bubbles, i think we have to blow bubbles at least once a day. she will point to where they are, say "bubbles" then sign "please"...i mean how can we say no to that. so we blow bubbles, i told vy we need to invest in a machine although i think actually blowing them and seeing her get so excited where she throws her head back to laugh is all so worth feeling light headed after.
although she has been requesting to blow the bubbles herself so before we know she won't need us.
this girl, she's too smart. mwah!

if you are looking for some encouagment to capture those sweet little moments of your little one, come join in on instagram...simply share that month's prompt posted by @helloerinv, @jennycollier or @lvdmorethncrrts, take your beautiful photo and connect by using hashtag #documentinglifechallenge



Tuesday, August 26, 2014

these days, i want to remember forever.

i took yesterday off because my in-laws (who usually watch madelyn while we're at work) are out of town, it gives me the perfect excuse to use a vacation day. so i wanted to capture our day and i may pop in with these every now and then just to see how our days change.

7:02AM |  daddy went to get our little peanut out of bed. this is our usually routine, vy get her, brings her into our room where she gives mama a kiss and drinks her milk while watching spourt.

8:18AM | after i finished getting madelyn and i ready for the day we headed downstairs to greet the doggies. i prepared madelyn's breakfast (she's been obsessed with chez cereal lately so she had that and fruit) and i made myself an iced coffee.
 9:04AM | we're out the door. i didn't have any big plans for us, i thought about the zoo or the children's museum but i just wanted to keep it simple. 
9:23AM | the park. on sunday, as we were heading to lunch we drove down this one side street and found a very shaded and pretty park. we didn't have time to stop and play so i thought it would be fun if madelyn and i went to check it out. this is my new favorite park so we will definitely be back.
madelyn was in love with this little rocking horse, she was laughing and saying "weeeeeee!" she's the cutest.

while we were there i began chatting with another mom who had two little boys, one was super interested in m so i kindly asked how old he was. when she replied he was fourteen months, i happily said that m was fifteen. the mom replied with an "oh, she's small but he's really big for his age." i said i knew m was small for her age as she was only in the 11th percentile then too my surprise and i guess hers too, she said "oh, she's yours?? i thought you were the babysitter." um, nope...i'm her mom. i would like to think that comment was made as a compliment...

10:28AM |  said "buh bye" to the park and in the car for a quick snack of cheesy puffs (m absolutely loves the plums' brand and i'm just happy they're healthy)
10:48AM | we arrived at barnes & noble. m loves books and i thought the other day that it would be fun to take her to the bookstore to see how she reacts. 
just like i expected, madelyn loved it...she was in aahhh of all the books, pointing saying "book, book," and pulling down as many as she could.

11:36AM | lunch at chick-fil-a for the win (grilled nuggets, fruit and a few waffle fries)
12:32PM | after lunch we headed to publix to pick up groceries for dinner and the rest of the week.
m got her first free kid cookie from the bakery, she was quite a fan. every time she took a bit she would say "mmmm!" this girl, she is a hoot :)

1:09PM |  home just in time for little miss m's nap
1:21PM | walked the fur babies
1:52PM | after putting the groceries away, this mama sat down to relax, read my emails/some of my favorite blogs and catch up on "dallas cowboy cheerleaders: making the team." anyone else watch this show?! i love it!
3:15PM |  madelyn is up from her nap
i brought this little beauty downstairs to get some milk.

4:18PM | m requested a snack, what this baby wants...she gets. so there were some crackers and cheese to munch on while she watched 'super why' and i prepared dinner.
5:10PM | daddy is home
madelyn is definitely a daddy's girl, every time she hears the garage door open she says "daddy, daddy, hi dada" and has the biggest smile when he opens the door. it just melts my heart. 

5:38PM | dinner is served. i made this buffalo chicken crescent ring and a caesar salad, it was quite yummy. 
6:13PM |  a little playtime before bed with daddy while mama cleaned the kitchen and prepared madelyn's lunch for tomorrow.
6:41PM | time to get ready for bed...
madelyn gets a bath, which she loves. she gets excited when i ask her if she's ready for a bath, she drops to her knees and starts crawling to the stairs while saying "bath, bath." she is such a smart girl. after bath, we have milk while reading books...tonight we read her new ones plus goodnight moon, which is always a must. since our fifteen month appointment, we got a real toothbrush and toothpaste where we have started to brush m's teeth. the first few times were a little rough but now when i say we're going to brush our teeth she definitely helps me out. after brushing teeth, we turn on the sound machine, close the blinds and say the child's prayer. then give kisses and say nite nite.

(we just recently dropped to one nap and down to just three bottles and when i say recently i mean like last saturday. madelyn has done really well and honestly i think it's because she was already kind of doing it herself which made the transition easy.)

7:25PM | madelyn is out like a light
8PM | finally get to sit with my other half as i fold laundry and watch the emmy's.
10PM | walked the doggies and to bed we went

when i get the chance to take a weekday off to spend with my girl, i try to make it eventful and fun for her. since i had two days off last week and we went to the atlanta botanical gardens one day then hippo hop on another plus we were transitioning into a new schedule, i wanted to keep it manageable this day knowing that if i needed to bail, i could. i love spending these days with madelyn, this age is so fun and she makes my heart so full, i just love her. being a full time working mommy isn't always easy but i love how excited she gets when i come from work and i cherish days like these.

goodnight world, xoxo


Sunday, August 24, 2014

week three | barefoot

oh how i love these tiny little toes!
always on those tippy toes and those little thighs, mmm!
this face, this sweet face, loves!

if you are looking for some encouagment to capture those sweet little moments of your little one, come join in on instagram...simply share that month's prompt posted by @helloerinv, @jennycollier or @lvdmorethncrrts, take your beautiful photo and connect by using hashtag #documentinglifechallenge



Saturday, August 23, 2014

last week we had madelyn's fifteen month check up and she just rocked it!
age: fifteen months
height: 29 inches (9th percentile) weight: 18 pounds 3 ounces (11th percentile) head: 45.5 centimeters (50th percentile)
clothes: wearing mostly 6-12 months, we're still able to rock 3-6 months as tops. m is on the smaller size so i am loving that her clothes have been lasting longer, plus in mama's eyes.
favorite toyfisher price learning home, fisher price say please tea set, pbk anywhere chair, books (these babylit are her favorites, i recently scored a deal on these from groupon) and stuffed animals/dolls (she loves carry them around, usually by their necks, giving them hugs and kisses, and sharing her toys...makes me hopefully that she will be the best big sister when that time comes)
favorite activities: still eating (this girl always wants a snack), playing peek-a-boo (it is by far the cutest thing), bath (she loves the water), talking on the phone (she will use anything as a phone, puts it behind her ear and says 'hi, hi"), walking around the coffee table pointing at the dogs telling them to sit (the best part is most of time the dogs are laying down sleeping but she sure does tell them), singing "abc" attempting to sound each letter and going up the stairs (yes she crawls up the stairs and she loves it!)
favorite foods: cheese puffs (plums brand, if we let her she would eat the whole container in one sitting), all fruit (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, oranges, honeydew and on), turkey (from the deli), saltine crackers, goldfish, chicken, broccoli, peas, meatballs and anything noodles.
this little miss loves her lovie and binkie, i working on when is the right time to break the binkie habit : /
teeth: too many to count, recently she had her two bottom and two top morals come in.
favorite words: daddy, hi, buh bye, shhh, no (says it more with a d), sit, dog, woof, milk, book, door, bath, apple "aahh pul," woah and water "wah wah"
sign language: more, all done, eat and please
movement: crawling, walking while holding one hand but waking mostly by holding onto things. we're working on encouraging her to walk by herself, i have a feeling she'll be walking soon.
signature moves: gives kisses and blows kisses saying "mwwahhh", waving "hi" and "buh bye," and dancing (anytime she herds any music she starts bouncing up and down shaking her little booty)
when i realize how big she is getting it's such a bittersweet feeling, i feel sad that she is growing into a real little girl and isn't my snuggly little baby girl. i feel happy/excited because she is growing into her fun, silly, sweet, loving personality. every day is oh so fun with her and makes me such a proud mama watching her learn, explore and play.

i love this little one with every piece of me.


Friday, August 22, 2014


i remember like two years ago i was obsessed with this show and i didn't even realize it was back.
no worries, last weekend i watched all the episodes.


madelyn's bow from a little lady shop came.
i am in love, these are totally my new favorite. i bought these felt bows and a polka dot chambray bow. the quality of these bows are amazing and so perfect for a little girl on the go. 


oh, i was beyond excited when i received my shipping email that my bloom theory camera strap was coming my way...
it is absolutely beautiful! i am so in love!

although now vy has stated that he will no longer volunteer to take a picture for me in public. haha, we'll see about that ;)


so this happened...
i (and madelyn) got nominated for the #alsicebucketchallenge from our sweet friends.

we accepted and donated at www.alsa.org for this amazing cause.


um...i need to find a chick-fil-a that is serving this STAT!!
chicken & waffles is one of my favorite pairings, it's just amazing! 

i researched online that they are currently only serving this in middle georgia, inland empire, ca, greater philadelphia and memphis, tn. how lucky are these people right now?!!

i will patiently wait for it to come to atlanta (maybe!)

happy friday everyone! xoxo

linking up with karli and amy.


Monday, August 18, 2014

to my sweetest madelyn, 

although i am sad that you are not a 'baby' anymore and becoming a 'toddler' more and more each day, i am loving every minute of it. you are really becoming my little mini :)

i know i say it all the time but it's true...i just love you so much! i live for you, we live for you! 

i love what a silly little girl you are becoming, you must have your daddy's sense of humor. i love how you love to play peek a boo, popping out from behind the door, table or crib. i love how you use almost anything as a phone, holding it up to your ear saying "hi, hi." i love how you ask for 'more' when you're eating and then sign 'please.' i love how when i ask you 'are you ready to take a bath' you drop to your knees and crawl to the stairs. i love how you are a fan of your bows again and will even try to put them in your hair. i love that you have enough hair for the cutest little pony tail. i love how friendly you are becoming to strangers, smiling, waving hi and bye, if their lucky they may even get a kiss. i love how when you gives kisses you say "mwah." i love how you love the water, i think you are definitely a summer gal just like your mama. i love how you love a good routine. i love your laugh and i love it when you laugh so hard that i can see all your pearly whites. i love your sweet smile. i (we) absolutely love every piece of you. 

you are a beautiful little girl, my girl.

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl
love, your mommy (and daddy)


Saturday, August 16, 2014

this is absolutely one of my favorite places in the city.

vy was playing golf this morning with his boys so i decided to take madelyn to the garden and invited one of my girlfriends and her little girl. it was a beautiful morning to wander.

currently they have their "imaginary worlds" exhibit. it is just beautiful.
this little fellow is the first thing you see when you come in and madelyn kept pointing saying "dog, dog dog." maybe cause it reminds her of dixie bear, they do kind of look a like...smart girl :)
these little frogs are my favorite. however, they have not won madelyn's heart just yet.
this little lady turned fifteen months today. i am not sure how she is getting so big but i will tell you it only gets better.
we took a little snack break by the frog pond.
this is how much fun madelyn was having. she really did love it. she was pointing and talking to everything and everyone. saying "hi, hi, hi!"

then we went to the splash pad.
she absolutely loved it. as did i.

and just like that...she was out.
i already want to go back, hopefully daddy can join next time. 

hope everyone is having a beautiful weekend! xoxo


Friday, August 15, 2014

a little miss madelyn will be fifteen months tomorrow. when and how did this happen?!
(insert emotional mommy)

my new favorite baby boutique, the seed factory.
i've had three girlfriends this month welcome a new little babe into their families and i got all their gifts from here. it is absolutely the cutest! located in the westside of atlanta, it has everything you need for a little one and the ladies there are the sweetest. plus, you can pick up a scoop of jeni's after :)


when did you take you little one to the movies?!

vy can't wait to take madelyn. she loves super why right now and will watch a whole episode without moving but that's only like 25 minutes so we're just wondering. plus, i can't wait for her to experience all the disney movies...i.e. the little mermaid, my favorite.


i love weddings!

we have two coming up in october, one in charleston and one just south of atlanta. so i am in the hunt for two cute dresses. it'll be warm in charleston so i am looking for a sleeveless dress then for atlanta it will be cooler so i am looking for a three-quarter sleeve dress. i've been checking out my usually shops but they don't have want i'm envisioning, which is always tough especially when you know you've seen something similar before but had no reason to buy.

help! what are you favorite shops?!

planning on spending the day tomorrow at one of my favorite places in the city.

happy weekend everyone! xoxo

linking up with karli and amy.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

week two | swimsuit fun

madelyn is asking for a "hy," code for high five.
little one loves the water, she can play in it until she is wrinkly and blue if i let her.

side note: i recently switched from a pc to a mac and i am looking for a editing program to edit my photos. the dude at mac said that iphoto would work but i'm not feeling it. so i need you advise mamas, what is the best editing program that i should invest in? photoshop element or adobe lightroom? tia :)

if you are looking for some encouagment to capture those sweet little moments of your little one, come join in on instagram...simply share that month's prompt posted by @helloerinv, @jennycollier or @lvdmorethncrrts, take your beautiful photo and connect by using hashtag #documentinglifechallenge



Friday, August 8, 2014


i am in love with these jcrew flats. LOVE.
i'm waiting for a little sale and these beauties will be mine. hopefully.


i won!
i absolutely love 'a little lady shop,' she makes some of the best bows. she just launched her new site and it is beautiful. i cannot wait to order some new beauties for madelyn. 

their celebrating the grand opening by having free shipping with the code 'launch.'

madelyn's new favorite spot...
under the table.

she crawls in and out each of the chairs, walks along the bench and pushes her highchair around. she finds it so entertaining, laughing and chatting. not to mention, it wears her out.


oh, jeni's ice cream. i'm addicted.
one of my girlfriends became addicted to jeni's insisting that i needed to give it a try. to kick off summer i convinced vy to spend our saturday on the westside, tried jeni's and i have been craving it since. it is that good!


a new blog design.
got this pretty design from bellaluluink when she was celebrating 1,000 sales for half off.  it was such an amazing deal and chelsea is the sweetest. 

do you like it?! i am kind of obsessed with it.

happy friday everyone! xoxo

linking up with karli and amy.

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