Saturday, August 23, 2014

last week we had madelyn's fifteen month check up and she just rocked it!
age: fifteen months
height: 29 inches (9th percentile) weight: 18 pounds 3 ounces (11th percentile) head: 45.5 centimeters (50th percentile)
clothes: wearing mostly 6-12 months, we're still able to rock 3-6 months as tops. m is on the smaller size so i am loving that her clothes have been lasting longer, plus in mama's eyes.
favorite toyfisher price learning home, fisher price say please tea set, pbk anywhere chair, books (these babylit are her favorites, i recently scored a deal on these from groupon) and stuffed animals/dolls (she loves carry them around, usually by their necks, giving them hugs and kisses, and sharing her toys...makes me hopefully that she will be the best big sister when that time comes)
favorite activities: still eating (this girl always wants a snack), playing peek-a-boo (it is by far the cutest thing), bath (she loves the water), talking on the phone (she will use anything as a phone, puts it behind her ear and says 'hi, hi"), walking around the coffee table pointing at the dogs telling them to sit (the best part is most of time the dogs are laying down sleeping but she sure does tell them), singing "abc" attempting to sound each letter and going up the stairs (yes she crawls up the stairs and she loves it!)
favorite foods: cheese puffs (plums brand, if we let her she would eat the whole container in one sitting), all fruit (strawberries, blueberries, grapes, oranges, honeydew and on), turkey (from the deli), saltine crackers, goldfish, chicken, broccoli, peas, meatballs and anything noodles.
this little miss loves her lovie and binkie, i working on when is the right time to break the binkie habit : /
teeth: too many to count, recently she had her two bottom and two top morals come in.
favorite words: daddy, hi, buh bye, shhh, no (says it more with a d), sit, dog, woof, milk, book, door, bath, apple "aahh pul," woah and water "wah wah"
sign language: more, all done, eat and please
movement: crawling, walking while holding one hand but waking mostly by holding onto things. we're working on encouraging her to walk by herself, i have a feeling she'll be walking soon.
signature moves: gives kisses and blows kisses saying "mwwahhh", waving "hi" and "buh bye," and dancing (anytime she herds any music she starts bouncing up and down shaking her little booty)
when i realize how big she is getting it's such a bittersweet feeling, i feel sad that she is growing into a real little girl and isn't my snuggly little baby girl. i feel happy/excited because she is growing into her fun, silly, sweet, loving personality. every day is oh so fun with her and makes me such a proud mama watching her learn, explore and play.

i love this little one with every piece of me.

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