Saturday, August 30, 2014

week four | favorite summer activity


this little miss is OBSESSED with bubbles, i think we have to blow bubbles at least once a day. she will point to where they are, say "bubbles" then sign "please"...i mean how can we say no to that. so we blow bubbles, i told vy we need to invest in a machine although i think actually blowing them and seeing her get so excited where she throws her head back to laugh is all so worth feeling light headed after.
although she has been requesting to blow the bubbles herself so before we know she won't need us.
this girl, she's too smart. mwah!

if you are looking for some encouagment to capture those sweet little moments of your little one, come join in on instagram...simply share that month's prompt posted by @helloerinv, @jennycollier or @lvdmorethncrrts, take your beautiful photo and connect by using hashtag #documentinglifechallenge


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