Saturday, December 7, 2013

This year for Thanksgiving we traveled to my in-laws' home to celebrate. We are lucky that both our parents live relatively close to us. My parents live about 45 minutes south of the city and my in-law's live about 25 minutes north of the city. My hubs had some of his side of family come up from Orlando to join in so we were looking forward to seeing them as they were looking forward to seeing Madelyn. I love the holidays, it's such a heart warming time to reflect on all that we should be thankful for and just thankful to see another holiday with all the ones we love.
It's so crazy to think that this time last year our sweet little M was relaxing in my tummy and to celebrate her first holidays are moments I will forever cherish. I am loving my little family.
Madelyn was definitely little miss popular. She is the first grandchild for our parents and she is the tenth great grandchild on my hubby's side but the first one to carry the family name. Which explains why her great grandma wanted to come celebrate with us. 
These two are the cutest. 
My brother currently lives in Dallas so we were very happy that he came home. We love having him home. 
The Pham family. 

I am currently taking the baby led weaning approach with M so she was able to enjoy some of the yummy food. She had some green beans, sweet potatoes and turkey. 
(I will be sharing our experience with blw shortly)
I hope you all had a wonderful Turkey day!


Sunday, December 1, 2013

I hope everyone had a fabulous family, friend, food filled Thanksgiving. 
{I'll be back to recap our Thanksgiving festivities soon} 

However, today is the first day of December!

It is officially Christmas time and I couldn't be more excited! I am one of those people that like to celebrate each holiday before the next so now that Thanksgiving has come and gone it is time to celebrate the most wonderful time of the year. Since it's Madelyn's first Christmas we are definitely feeling the spirit. This weekend we went to pick out the prefect tree to celebrate and I got my craft on to decorate our home, can't wait to share!


Saturday, November 16, 2013

to my sweetest madelyn, 

happy happy half birthday!
these past six months have been the best. daddy and i cannot believe it has been six months since we first held you in our arms. we still remember it like it was yesterday. we feel so blessed and thankful you are ours. you are the happiest baby, only crying when you are hungry or tired. don't worry if you ask daddy he would probably say mommy does the same thing. we love you to pieces and i make sure to give you all the kisses in the world everyday. 

you have grown so much in the last month, you have learned to roll over. you haven't made it very far but you sure are rolling. you are beginning to smile more at unfamiliar faces but still have the cutest shy smile. you are laughing more and learning how to make mommy and daddy laugh. you have learned to do a fake cough when no one is looking at you to say 'hey, remember me." you are sitting up by yourself for a good few minutes but have not quite mastered it. you love to stand with help and love love jumping in your jumperoo. you are our world and you have made our lives so bright. 

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl. 

love, your mommy


Saturday, November 2, 2013

We celebrated Madelyn's first Halloween as a family. This was our first year in our home, in a neighborhood to say the least we were excited to pass out candy and see all the little trick or treaters. Only one little problem, we did not have a single little one come to our door. At least little M won't notice. We live in a neighborhood with young families with little ones about Madelyn's age so we are thinking next year will look a little different, at least we hope. Vy and I had fun anyways, we took quite of few pictures of M in her little mouse costume, she was the cutest and took a little stroll around the neighborhood. It was a pretty night and I am so in love with us. 

Happy Pumpkin Day from my little mouse! xo



Wednesday, October 16, 2013

to my sweetest madelyn, 

i cannot even begin to tell you how you have filled our hearts. i cannot believe you are already five months but at the same time i just cannot remember my life without you. you have made your daddy and i love more than we ever imagined we could. 

this month you have really shown how silly you are, which makes me think you may have your daddy's sense of humor. you love to laugh and when we smile you smile. you're learned recently how to sit up with your boppy, we knew you were on your way when in the beginning of the month you some what began refusing to lay down. you went to your first georgia tech {your uncle vu went there} game and were such a sweet girl. the noise didn't bother you one bit until the marching band decided to surprise us in the suite, even mommy got scared. you play so well by yourself on your play mat which helps mommy and daddy eat dinner, you have learned how to knock the play mat over which you get pretty pumped about. your are learning so much and growing everyday that i look forward to all that is to come. 

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl.

love, your mommy


Tuesday, October 15, 2013

On Sunday we took Madelyn to the PUMPKIN PATCH! I am beyond excited to celebrate the holidays now that M is finally here. We had plans to go home to my in-laws' house so we decided to go a little early and stop by the pumpkin patch first. On the drive up M fell asleep in the car which I thought would be helpful for when we arrived, I was wrong. I had to wake Madelyn up and she was sleepy the entire time and not quite happy or smiley about much. We are so lucky even though she wasn't quite in the mood she was such a good sport maybe because she had lots to look at. People watcher just like her mama. 

This wasn't the pumpkin patch I originally wanted to go to but it was closer to my in-laws and I told the hubs next year we would go. However, I think we will stick with this one. It is a family owed farm, it wasn't over crowded and they keep a great pace which how many people are out in the pumpkin patch. When we first arrived there were plenty of families hanging in the main area eating anything pumpkin, taking pictures, at the play ground and waiting to take the hay ride out to the pumpkin patch. We jumped on the hay ride and arrived to see the field filled with pumpkins, I won't lie I was quite excited for M. I know she won't remember but I will remember it all for her and know this is beginning for our family traditions. Once we got out to the pumpkin patch I attempted to sit Madelyn with the pumpkins she was not having it. She definitely would of rather been sleeping. Everyone we met was so nice and more than happy to snap a photo or two. 

We came home with one big guy and a few little ones. At the end of our trip Vy and I were talking about how we can't wait to bring M next year, made my heart happy just thinking about it. Oh, on our way out we saw they have a Christmas tree farm, we'll be back!


Monday, September 16, 2013

to my sweetest madelyn, 

you are my baby girl. we love you beyond words that sometimes your daddy and i will look at each other and say we cannot believe how lucky we are to have you. you are the happiest and sweetest baby. 

this month you have figured out how to roll from side to side and you can roll from your tummy to your back. you are very amused by the television that i just keep telling myself it's the colors that attract your attention. you are beginning to giggle and it is the sweetest sound that i ever did hear. it is so cute that i look forward to many more. you are so very happy and your smile just melt our hearts. 

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl.

love, your mommy


Friday, August 16, 2013

to my sweetest madelyn, 

as you get older each month, i just can't believe that you are growing up. as much as i love watching you develop i can't help but get teary eyed. i love you so much. 

this month you have become a mover and shaker, your daddy and i love to watch you move and see how excited you get. you are doing so awesome sleeping in your crib like such a big girl, you made transitioning into your crib so easy. you are such a sweet baby that your daddy and i are so very thankful and don't know how we got so blessed. you are beyond happy and your are beginning to become little miss chatty. 

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl.

love, your mommy


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

to my sweetest madelyn, 

i cannot believe how fast you are growing, everyday you do something new and i just want to soak in every little thing. i tell you everyday to not grow up too fast because i just want to remember it all and truly enjoy the moment.

in this month your daddy and i have watched you break out of your swaddle which kind of makes me sad because you always look so cute and snug but happy you decided to break the habit and i won't have to. we have allowed you to nap in your crib with the hope to transition you soon to night time sleeps although i don't quite know if i'm ready to let that happen. we have falling in love with the fact that you see us and really us! you are so alert and we have enjoyed watching your face when you see something new and not to mention the facial expression that comes along with that (your daddy thinks you'll be like me in that aspect.) your neck control is getting stronger which explain why you love tummy time, i think you'll be a tummy sleeper (like your daddy.) 

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl.

love, your mommy


Sunday, June 16, 2013

to my sweetest madelyn, 

today you are one whole month! i cannot believe you have been here for a month because i cannot quite remember life without you. you are my soul and heart and i look forward to your growing future. these past few weeks i have found myself crying each week that you have grow older and think that i just don't want to miss a moment with you. i know there are going to countless moments where you will overflow my heart with a love that i cannot quite describe but i am forever grateful for the blessing you are. 

in this month your daddy and i have enjoyed starring at you and watching your every movement, we love the faces you make while your sleeping, we love when you wake up and the way you stretch (which is cutest thing ever to watch), we love the little oohs, aahs and grunts you make, we love that we have been able to take you out and you are such a well behaved little sleeping baby, we love the way you look at us and for the first time we have falling in love with the first smiles we have experienced from you. you certainly have us wrapped around your tiny little finger. 

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl. 

love, your mommy

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