Tuesday, October 15, 2013

On Sunday we took Madelyn to the PUMPKIN PATCH! I am beyond excited to celebrate the holidays now that M is finally here. We had plans to go home to my in-laws' house so we decided to go a little early and stop by the pumpkin patch first. On the drive up M fell asleep in the car which I thought would be helpful for when we arrived, I was wrong. I had to wake Madelyn up and she was sleepy the entire time and not quite happy or smiley about much. We are so lucky even though she wasn't quite in the mood she was such a good sport maybe because she had lots to look at. People watcher just like her mama. 

This wasn't the pumpkin patch I originally wanted to go to but it was closer to my in-laws and I told the hubs next year we would go. However, I think we will stick with this one. It is a family owed farm, it wasn't over crowded and they keep a great pace which how many people are out in the pumpkin patch. When we first arrived there were plenty of families hanging in the main area eating anything pumpkin, taking pictures, at the play ground and waiting to take the hay ride out to the pumpkin patch. We jumped on the hay ride and arrived to see the field filled with pumpkins, I won't lie I was quite excited for M. I know she won't remember but I will remember it all for her and know this is beginning for our family traditions. Once we got out to the pumpkin patch I attempted to sit Madelyn with the pumpkins she was not having it. She definitely would of rather been sleeping. Everyone we met was so nice and more than happy to snap a photo or two. 

We came home with one big guy and a few little ones. At the end of our trip Vy and I were talking about how we can't wait to bring M next year, made my heart happy just thinking about it. Oh, on our way out we saw they have a Christmas tree farm, we'll be back!

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