Sunday, January 4, 2015

we started the new year with some very exciting news!

the morning of friday, january 2nd, vy, myself and madelyn had an appointment to see the babe and find out if m would be getting a baby sister or a baby brother. 

at our twelve week nuchal scan, the ultra sound tech said she was leaning her gender guess towards a girl. she said she didn't want to provide a confirmed guess as she really was not sure. at one point during the scan, we thought we saw a boy part but she could't get that angle again so she thought girl. vy and i were both sure we saw a little boy part but we were starting to discuss that we would be more than happy if it was a baby sister for madelyn. i have been feeling totally different with this pregnancy then i did with m which made me think it could be a boy but i feel like i'm carrying the same way i did with m which made me think it was another girl. 

up until the actual gender ultrasound vy and i talked about what it would be like to have two girls. i thought how much fun it would be for m to have a sister, a life long best friend. not to mention how fun it would be dress them and to decorate another girly baby room. we picked a name and i started to imagine how cute our two girls would be together. 

welp...maybe the third will be a girl because to our surprise we're having a BOY!

we are totally over the moon excited!! the nursery planning is going crazy in my head so stay tuned...

***we cannot begin to thank you all for all the sweet messages from instagram and facebook, it is so heart warming to share our excitement with everyone! thank you, thank you!! xoxo***

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