Thursday, May 22, 2014

we had madelyn's one year check up and we have a beautifully growing baby girl.
age: one
height: 27 1/2 inches (6th percentile) weight: 16 pounds 5 ounces (6th percentile) head: 45 centimeters (53th percentile)
favorite activities: eating (this girl can eat, she just like her mama...once she's hungry, you better feed her something or she may lose her mind), baths (taught her to splash, so it's a bath for everyone), chasing the puppy doggies (a whole lot of fun for maddie, not so much for the dogs) and laughing (she has the cutest laugh, i could listen to it all day)
favorite foods: strawberries (really all fruit), chicken, avocado, cheese puffs, broccoli, applesauce, mac-n-cheese, cheerios, pancakes & mum mums
teeth: 4 top, 3 bottom and 1 top right moral coming in
words: mama, dada, hi, buh bye, shhh, ah-choo
sign language: more and all done
nicknames: maddie, m, mai linh (vietnamese name) and boo boo
movement: army crawl, standing and gliding along and loving walking while holding hands
signature moves: gives kisses, clapping, blows kisses, waving "hi" and "buh bye," has a fake cough, sneezes (don't cough or sneeze around her, she will make fun of you with a smile) and rises her arms to be "so big"
proud moment:  there are so many moments that make us absolutely proud and blessed to be this little girl's parents. i can't even count how many times vy and i will look at each other and say how we just love her and how smart she is.  
this face, oh how i love you 

it's been one amazing year and there are so many more to look forward to.

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