Friday, August 8, 2014


i am in love with these jcrew flats. LOVE.
i'm waiting for a little sale and these beauties will be mine. hopefully.


i won!
i absolutely love 'a little lady shop,' she makes some of the best bows. she just launched her new site and it is beautiful. i cannot wait to order some new beauties for madelyn. 

their celebrating the grand opening by having free shipping with the code 'launch.'

madelyn's new favorite spot...
under the table.

she crawls in and out each of the chairs, walks along the bench and pushes her highchair around. she finds it so entertaining, laughing and chatting. not to mention, it wears her out.


oh, jeni's ice cream. i'm addicted.
one of my girlfriends became addicted to jeni's insisting that i needed to give it a try. to kick off summer i convinced vy to spend our saturday on the westside, tried jeni's and i have been craving it since. it is that good!


a new blog design.
got this pretty design from bellaluluink when she was celebrating 1,000 sales for half off.  it was such an amazing deal and chelsea is the sweetest. 

do you like it?! i am kind of obsessed with it.

happy friday everyone! xoxo

linking up with karli and amy.


  1. Love the new design!!! I feel like you take such fabulous pictures already!!! What kind of "fancy" camera did you get? I just got mine a few months ago. So happy we finally made the investment. I'm only shooting with the lot lens now but home to get a prime around Christmas. :)

    1. thank you amanda!! you are too sweet! i currently use a nikon d3000 with a prime 50mm f1.8 lens that i got for mother's day, it has made the biggest difference! xoxo


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