Wednesday, January 1, 2014

to my sweetest madelyn, 

seven whole months, the time sure does feel like it flying by. i know i say this every month but i just cannot believe how big you are getting. it is such a bittersweet feeling, daddy and i truly try to just soak in every moment of everyday with you because we know we will never have it again. you are the happiest baby and we are truly lucky to be your parents. 

oh boy, this month you have just grown so much. you are a rolling machine and can roll just about anywhere. you are not a fan of tummy time anymore and aren't real interested in attempting to crawl, you just rather roll or stand with help. we wouldn't be surprise if you skip crawling and begin to walk. your silliest is really starting to show which makes me think you may have your daddy's sense of humor. you have your two bottom teeth and it is pure cuteness when you smile. you have really started to notice the details in things, you love to look at your little bear and point at his eyes, nose and mouth. you are so focus that i just love watching you and seeing your expression. you are quite chatty when you want to be and we are just waiting for you to say your first word. i am hoping for "mama" of course and your dad is hoping for "dada," well see who will be the winner out of that hopefully soon. you just make my heart so full that i look forward to all the moments to come. 

i love you to the moon and back my sweet baby girl. 

love, your mommy 

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