Tuesday, December 30, 2014

i cannot believe that christmas has come and gone, we still have our decorations and christmas tree up which we'll hold onto at least till the weekend. every year since vy and i were engaged we have traveled to orlando to celebrate christmas eve with his side then travel back to atlanta on christmas day to celebrate with my parents. which the additions we have gained over the years it is becoming a little tricky but we absolutely love being able to celebrate with both of our families so for now this is our tradition. 

on christmas eve all the family gathered together to eat dinner, play a few games and open presents.
madelyn had so much fun playing with all her cousins. vy and i talked a lot about how much m has grown since last year, how exciting it was to watch her interact with her cousins and for all the years to come. 
christmas day we celebrate with my parents & brother, it very low key as it was just us. 

vy and i had planned to do our little family christmas on friday morning. santa brought madelyn this vintage white kitchen, it is completely and utterly adorable. vy insisted that he would build it when we returned thursday night versus building it prior to us leaving for orlando. to be fair i did warn him that it would take him a while but boys will be boys and he had it his way...which also meant that on thursday night it took him a little over four hours to build this play kitchen for his baby girl. 
madelyn's little face when she saw this friday morning was pure sweetness and daddy said it was all worth it, of course. she absolutely loves it and has been cooking up some crazy awesome meals since. her imagination is something and i have no idea where they learn this from but it is so fun to play with her. 

she also got this melissa & doug shopping cart & vintage baby high chair. madelyn received a lot of amazing presents from her friends and family and she has loved every single one. 

hope you all had a wonderful christmas and happy new years eve eve! xo

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