Wednesday, July 8, 2015

my sweet baby boy, how is it that you are already one month?!? it really seems like it was just yesterday that we were introducing you to your big sister. although i'm pretty sure the lack of sleep is contributing to the last thirty plus days all running into one another.

you came into this world a little sooner and a little quicker than we were expecting but honestly it's so crazy hard to remember what our life was like without you. it's truly amazing how you seamlessly fit right in.

we had your one month check up a little over a week ago and you are a beautifully growing baby boy. at a whopping nine pound nine ounces ... so different from your itty bitty sister.

oh how i have absolutely falling in love with you ... i love the way you look at me with your wondering eyes, there's not a single doubt in my mind that you are not a mama's boy. i love that full head of dark hair and the way it stands up after your bath. i love that you want to snuggle all the time. i love seeing the smiles that you make when you hear my voice and the two little dimples that appear, those will be trouble for the ladies in your teenage years i'm sure. i love how mesmerized you are by your big sister and how she entertains us all.

you're not a fan of tummy time and have already rolled your little self over a few times. your neck strength is on point, it kind of impresses me how determine you are to look around and see what's going on around you at all times. you're definitely unsure about bath time which your sister loved. we're working on getting you on a sleep schedule, eating every three hour, more awake time during the day and attempting at least one nap in your bassinet or pack n play. as of the last two weeks you get your bath around 8pm, your last feeding is around 8:30pm and your down for the night around 9pm. you're waking up around 3am a little fussy so we end up having a little night time feeding session then you're up again around 6am. i realized that the traditional swaddle that worked with your sister is not working for you as you have ninja like skills and break free. which is totally impressive but when your little reflexes keep waking both of us up every few hours at night we need a solution. so this week we met our new best friend, the swaddle me blanket. hoping this will provide us with a few more consistent hours of sleep at night because mama definitely needs it.

although you are a fussy little dude,  you are our fussy little dude and we wouldn't want to have it any other way. HAPPIEST ONE MONTH to you my baby boy! i love you all the way to the moon and back.

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