Thursday, September 10, 2015

oh my sweet baby boy, how are you three months??! the pass two months have gone by so quickly.
you have been such the little trooper. when you were just two weeks old, we packed up and moved out of our townhome and moved in with you grandparents (my in-laws.) we lived with them for four weeks while our home was finishing up then when you were six weeks we moved out of your grandparents' home into our brand new home. it's crazy to know that in your first two months of life you have moved three times but you did it. it was easy since you just eat, sleep, poop and repeat.

you are the happiest little baby except for when you are hungry or tired then you become a grumpy and angry old man. your daddy says that isn't much different then me, ha! but you are my little baby boy and i just love you so. i love that you smile all.the.time and it just melts my heart. i love that when i talk to you, you giggle and laugh ... i swear you do. i love that you coo and ahh, it's the sweetest sound. i love that when you don't see me, you fuss a little then when i return you give me the biggest smile. i love the way you watch your sister play and when she talks to you, you look right into her eyes. i think the two of you will be the best of friends. you sister loves you and every time you smile at her she says "look! luke's smiling at madelyn!"

what do you love | when people are talking you. playing on your activity mat, you have started to punch and grab at the toys and i'm pretty sure you get super excited when you get a hold of one. talking. snuggling. 

what do you dislike | the carseat, i think you're about to get an upgrade because you hate it so much. 

schedule & sleep | you are still on a every three hour feeding schedule but you're getting at least 8 hours of sleep at night. we are working on at least one crib nap during the day which is a hit or miss. you're going to bed around 8:30-9pm and you'll usually sleep until 2:30am. at which point i'm coming in every 45 minutes to pop your binkie in or catching a few zzzz's on the floor or given in and taking you to our room. but you always usually go back to sleep and you wait for your 6am feeding.

activities | we started letting you sit in your bumbo and i think you love it. you usually sit in it when we eat dinner and i'm pretty sure you can't wait for you four month check up to get the green light to start feeding you some food. you are my chunky baby boy and i love every single one of those chunky rolls. 

i started back at work three weeks ago so our morning routines have been less snuggling (insert all the ugly cry emojis) and more go go go. let me tell you ... i've been amazed how i get myself showered, two little ones ready and out the door at a decent time. it's not always smooth sailing but we got it most days.
you are the best little baby and we just love you oh so much!

[here's the little man's two month picture ;)]

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